
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Still a Satisfied U.S. Cellular Customer After All These Years

I am providing this information to you as a U.S. Cellular long time customer and now blog ambassador. All opinions are my my own.

My husband and I have been U.S. Cellular customers for seven years now! That's a long time to be with a cell phone company and never switch. I'm not saying we haven't ever thought about it, over the years I've looked into many other service providers and we always come back to U.S. Cellular. Being a company we trust and appreciate, I am excited to announce that I will be part of the U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade as one of their Blog Ambassadors! Over the next several months I will be sharing news about U.S. Cellular and what they offer as well as our (my husband and I) experience with their service, products, and customer service among many other topics.
If you're unfamiliar with U.S. Cellular, please feel free to leave a comment anytime with questions, if I don't know them I will work hard to find the answer. A little information to get you started on getting to know them.

You are going to find that U.S. Cellular treats you like a friend and neighbor. We have experienced this first hand through their friendly employees on site as well as over the phone. Whether it was finding information regarding our contracts (no more contacts with U.S. Cellular,) using our reward points, changing devices, or billing information everyone has always been extremely helpful to us.

U.S. Cellular was named a J.D. Power and Associates Customer Service Champion in 2012 for the second year in a row. In 2013, the company received their 15th consecutive J.D. Power and Associates' award for "Highest Network Quality Performance Among Wireless Cell Phone Users in The North Central Region."

Did you know they have a strong line-up of great devices? All backed by the high-speed network that actually has the highest call quality of any national carrier. When I was looking for my last smart phone, U.S. Cellular really gained my respect in telling me how some of the devices I was looking at compared to those that they didn't offer, in truthful factual information. And as far as quality goes, I never have phone calls dropped and have quality network connection is most everywhere I go. Just two more reasons we can't go wrong with U.S. Cellular. If you're looking for a provider you can trust, find great programs (more to come), and have quality products and service I encourage you to look into U.S. Cellular for your area. 


  1. They sound like a great company & congrats on becoming an ambassador!

    1. So far we have had only one experience that made me mad & they fixed it after we talked to customer service. Thanks & I appreciate your comment. :)

  2. We only have one company that has service in our rural area, so we are very limited with our choices. It would be nice if we could check out other companies, too. Maybe at some point...

    1. Yes...Verizon Wireless. They are the only ones that offer any service in our area right now. Even theirs is not terrific...

    2. Jeri, they seem to be available in most areas. My family has that problem because they have the best signal for their country rural area but they pay an arm and a leg for service. :/

  3. The company name is only somewhat familiar to me. I've been with T-Mobile for a while now and I am not all that enthused with them.

    1. Denise, my cousins live in CA and they said they had never heard of US Cellular until I told them about it. Must be that area. :) I tried T-Mobile for a trial period and I was much happier with US Cellular.

  4. Hmmmm... We have been having some major issues with our current provider and are thinking about making a switch. Do you know if you can use a iPhone with US Cellular ?

    1. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions. As of right now you cannot get iPhones through US Cellular, but they have some other really great phones like the Samsungs & the Motorola Electrify has been fabulous for us. I'll be featuring some phone information in the next few months so stay tuned. Thanks for your comment.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Congrats on the blog ambassadorship, that's awesome!! :)

  7. I've never heard of them before. We were with AT&T for awhile and switched over to Verizon and have been happy with them.

    1. Janet, I believe it depends on your location if they're well known. :) thanks for your comment.

  8. Wow, thats great! Congrats on becoming an ambassador!

  9. Hi Andrea! I didn't know that U.S. Cellular was such a good company! We have been with Sprint for years and years now, but the coverage is terrible. I am always having dropped calls and dead zones. I might have to look into this company! Jennifer at

    1. They're great for us. I've never had a dropped call & we only have one area we've been too that we have limited service, but that's only for internet use. :) THanks for your comment.

  10. They are not available here but sound like a great cell option!

  11. I checked and U.S. Cellular is not available in my area. Ocala, FL. If they ever do I'll definitely consider them. I've been with Verizon for about 4 years now with impeccable service and coverage. Thanks for the heads-up.

    Barbara @

  12. Congrats on your status as an ambassador. When I hear US Cellular I always think of the Chicago White Sox because they own that field! We have been with A T & T forever because of my husband's company but if we ever decide to switch, this would be a good company to look into.

    Penny at Mom Rants and Comfy Pants


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