
Friday, May 24, 2013

Keeping a Smile on My Face #FlossFace Giveaway (Ends 5/31)

I received complimentary product and compensation for this feature through the One2One network, all opinions are my own. 

When I got asked about participating in this campaign, I will be serious... I honestly had to think about it for awhile. Why you ask? Well.. to be perfectly honest.. I hate oral hygiene! I brush regularly but when it comes down to it, that's pretty much it. I'll go through times when flossing and using mouth wash are added to my daily routine, but it usually trails off rather quickly. So here we are friends - I jumped in with Oral-B in showing you my Floss Face and let you in on my secret. Why did I decide to jump on board!? Because I know how important flossing really is.. I have a big smile & big teeth so taking care of them is important and I believe I just need a product I believe in, to really keep me dedicated in keeping my grin looking great!
 I've been using the Oral-B Glide floss for a few weeks now and I can honestly say that this floss really rocks my world.. it seriously glides wonderfully and doesn't hurt my gums like most floss does. It has a silky, smooth texture and is thin and wide, which is exactly what I need. You can use a piece and it doesn't shred or tear up, even if your teeth are close together. It slides up to 50% more easily in tight spaces versus the leading floss. The Oral-B Floss comes in a minty flavor which helps against bad breath, and leave your teeth feeling invigorated, try it and believe me, you'll want to add it to your regular routine and show off your Floss Face

If you think this sounds like a fantastic product, try it out & then check out the Oral B®’s Floss Face Contest & App. To enter, all you have to do is share your Floss Face with Oral B, and every first-time entrant will receive a tote bag and Glide product, (while supplies last.) It gets better my friends, every two weeks from now until July 7th, the the Oral-Be Glide Floss Face app will giveaway a grand prize of one iPad. Woot! Go check it out.

Take care of your smile by flossing and brushing, it's just a habit one needs to get into! Connect with Oral B on Facebook & Twitter for dental tips and special promotions.

WIN! Because I want you to all keep that gorgeous healthy grin of yours, one of you lucky readers will win 1 package of six Oral-B Glide Flosses. Enter through the form below. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I floss at least once a day. I am extra careful because I just got a crown in March and it came because of clenching my teeth at night. I also have a probe to get rid of plaque. I also brush at least once usually more a day. I am a total dental phobe.

  2. I brush and floss at least twice a day, sometimes brush three times a day. Use mouthwash at least once a day. I visit the dentist twice a year.

  3. I brush twice a day, floss once a day, and use mouthwash after brushing.

  4. brush twice a day, floss at night andafter I eat something that sticks in teeth. Use Listerine in morning.

  5. I brush and floss twice a day. I should be doing better though.

  6. I do brush and use a whitening mouthwash each day. I also floss and visit my dentist twice a year.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  7. i need to floss more oftn, but i only do it once or twice a week

  8. I brush and floss every day. Oral hygiene is important at our house. Patricia

  9. I brush and floss and have started swishing with peroxide because I am in the middle of substantial dental work. Genetics are against me. :/

  10. I floss every day with floss picks and brush with my Sonicare toothbrush.

  11. I floss, then use a pre-rinse and then brush.

  12. I mouth wash and brush twice then floss at night or whenever something is stuck!

  13. I floss once a day and brush twice a day. I don't have any specific products that I use, because I purchase what is on sale at the time. Thanks.

  14. Floss once at night and brush 2x/day with a Sonicare.

  15. brush, floss, and mouthwash every day

  16. brush and mouthwash, don't always floss

  17. I brush twice daily and I also floss twice as well. If I feel some food stuck I will floss more than twice. I use mouthwash once a day.

  18. brush twice daily, floss a few times a week, and cleanings every 6 months...


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